Saturday, September 19, 2009

Exploring Blogs

The first blog that I found was written by this 26 year old girl who was writing a blog because she "had lots of free time and wanted to learn more about herself". It was actually pretty funny reading about how much she hated her job (which involved talking on the phone to a lot of stupid people), and how she tried to quit but was talked into staying, then got a promotion, and how she set a date for her wedding...... Her writing had definite voice, and was very interesting.
(The url address is

The next blog I found was called "Artauaugust's Blog", and it was horrible. The sentences were short and choppy, didn't flow and didn't make a lot of sense. But, I feel like I should cut this guy a little slack because he's in the process of learning how to speak English. (Haha that explains a lot.)
(The url address is

The next site was "Lifeintheclass's Blog", and it was really confusing. Most of the posts sounded like they were written by someone learning English (Haha! Sorry Artauaugust!), or sounded like they were written by a second grader. It was weird how each post was signed by a different person. There wasn't an "About" page (where you can usually find information about the writer/s), on this blog, so I had no idea who the author(s) of this blog were. This blog definitely needs lots of work.
(The url address is

The last blog that I looked at was one that my mom reads all the time, and I found out why. It's hilarious! It's called "Magic Jewball", and is written by this Jewish woman (hence, Magic jewball) named Becca, who is really clever and a good writer. I was reading this one post about how much she had hated doing Powerpoints in highschool and its "useless bulletpoints of nothingness". She vowed to never do a Powerpoint ever again. Then, she goes on to say: "In one of my classes, the first project is to be done in groups and the bossiest person in the group said 'Okay, I'll do the essay, Joan, you do the oral part, and Becca, you do the Powerpoint.'
Next Powerpoint presentation: how to become the bossiest person in the group."
I laughed out loud when I read that, and I think that's the sign of a really good blog.
(The url address is

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reading Memories

One day in first grade, my teacher had set up stations around the room with different activities to do at each one. At one particular station, a few Dr. Seuss books were scattered across the table. I sat down, and picked up one with a red cover. Green Eggs and Ham. I had been told that story a few times, but had never actually been the one reading it. So I opened the book to the first page and began deciphering the letters and words. I don't think I realized how easy it was until I finished the book. I just remember being amazed at the fact that I had just finished a book, my first book ever! I was so excited that I flipped back to the first page and read the whole thing again.